Friday, February 7, 2020

What Do You Do in Tutoring?

What Do You Do in Tutoring?Do you think that what do you do in tutoring is a job? In general, I would say it is. But it is more than just a job.Many teachers don't know what do you do in tutoring because they think that they don't have any different jobs than others do. But there are things that all of us can do as teachers and it doesn't have to be very different from other jobs.One job that is not the same as others is teaching or even doing field trips. We get paid to do a lot of different things in a field trip. I don't know what does all the other jobs entail but most fields require you to show a lot of different things that students need to know and use.We may need to review material that is new to you. For example, if you teach English as a second language you may need to go to different cultural settings that are different from your own. That's one job that might not be the same as the others but we all get paid to go to different cultural settings all the time.I worked in sc hool districts and I got paid to help with planning different situations in students' lives. If you want to teach an Advanced Placement class, you have to have an area that is not too advanced for your students. You have to make sure that your students have enough context to learn and to take your students to the class.You can also teach a Pre-Service Prep class. The kids must be willing to take up any part of their study schedule and you can teach them how to use technology for tutoring. You can also help with book reading and other things as well. What do you do in tutoring is pretty much the same as any other job.There are many different jobs that we can get paid to do. Just think about what it's like to help out in a Spanish school, for example. I can't give you a job description, but you get paid to help people with their learning needs. So, what do you do in tutoring is just a job that we do.

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